Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Choose the Best Light Boxes

The key behind advertising and marketing campaigns is attracting notice to your goods and services. One of the easiest ways to reach this goal is to implement light boxes. A light panel is recognized as a wonderful alternative to conventional displays. These backlit displays brighten up dreary or old showcases with a bit of illumination. Retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters, cosmetic counters, and many other establishments attract passersby with lightboxes. The beauty behind these illuminated frames is that they are eye-catching without taking away from the overall message. They simply put a little light on the subject. These light boxes come in all the conventional picture and poster sizes for accommodating different advertisements.

Although the concept behind light boxes is very simple, there are many different choices currently available on the market. Different types of lighting technology needs to be considered, as does the user's expectation of the illuminated frame. Backlit and side-lighted technology, the type of bulb, and placement within the establishment are just a few things that need to be decided. The following is an introduction to the field that will hopefully provide some insight into the light box market.

The introduction of LED technology to illuminated panel displays has triggered a resurgence of lightboxes in retail stores and other establishments. These models feature smaller light bulbs for thinner profile displays. Some of the frames are just over one inch thick! In addition to the slim profile, LED illuminated displays last a long time without consuming very much energy. Users can leave these LED lights on for over ten years straight without needing another bulb or running up a huge electricity bill. LED lighted displays are available in many sizes, ranging from small 8-1/2" x 11" panels to large 36" x 72" poster frames. The LED lightbox brings displays ahead of the curve.

Before LED lighting technology, most lightboxes used T5 fluorescent lights. These lighting systems are a bit bulkier and do not last as long, but they also come with many benefits. This lighting system is much brighter than LED bulbs. T5 fluorescent bulbs reach LUX readings of over 3,000! This fact makes T5 light systems better for bigger lightboxes because they can disseminate better throughout the entire signage. Despite the chic nature of LED frames, T5 fluorescent lights may be the best bet when dealing with large advertisements.

After evaluating the two different bulbs, the next factor to consider is where to place these units. Lightbox technology has become a part of many different style frames that are designed for different uses. Of course, there is the regular mounting light box displays that showcase posters and pictures on the walls. There are also smaller frames for countertop use. However, some of these wall mounting models have particular uses. Restaurants and other eating establishments will place large, three panel boards above the counter to showcase a menu. Other restaurants may want to take advantage of the outdoor, exterior rated light boxes. Users can place advertisements on the outside of their building to get passersby inside. Malls, convention centers, and other places designed to accommodate large amounts of people can take advantage of floor standing. These models feature one of two purposes: advertising or directing. The advertising displays illuminate 24" x 36" posters on totem structures. The area below the poster often has some sort of design to further entice potential customers. Some may have pockets for brochures or other supplemental advertisements. The directional lightboxes are a new take on the mall directory. They feature maps that have been lighted up for easier reading. No matter where you work, there is definitely room for one or more of these units.

The final thing to ponder when buying a light box is convenience. How often do you plan on changing the advertisements that go into the frame? Conventional light panels and picture frames are fine for routine changes, but they are not the best for fast sign changes. For users that will be placing a new image into the frame somewhat frequently, a swing loading frame may be the best option. These models open with the convenience of swing door. Another option is snap frame technology. Both the swing door and the snap frame utilize front loading, so users do need to take the frame off the wall to get their new advertisement in place. Snap frames open at the edges and snap shut when the image is in place. Restaurants, who change their specials daily, may even want to consider a large LED marker board with neon markers. These boards feature many LED light options and attract customers to the newest dishes and drinks on the menu. Choose the frame style that is best for your specific needs.

Take some time to really think about how your lightbox should look and function. Choose the right one for you! No matter which style you pick, these units can increase spur of the moment purchases. It is like putting a spotlight on your company and merchandise. is a specialized display shop from Together these online manufacturers and distributors are known for their superior collection of lightboxes and accessories in their online catalogs.

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