Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Use Promotional Golf Gifts to Promote Your Business

The use of promotional golf gifts can help to promote your business in a number of ways, from offering them as prizes in competitions, free gifts with purchases of other products in your store and by offering your endorsement to the free gift's manufacturer can help raise the awareness of your brand or business locally.

Whichever promotional technique you use, this type marketing can be a rewarding way of spreading the word about your business, as by achieving extra exposure you have the potential for an increased level of sales.

Competition Prize Draws

A good way of gaining exposure about your brand or retail store on a local scale is by holding a prize draw competition where people have to buy something from your store to be entitled an entry into the prize draw. If you run a sports or golf related business then by offering promotional golf gifts as prizes you are not only showing your generosity to your customers, but you are also showing that you back new golf related goods by featuring them in your marketing campaigns.

Product Free Gifts

If you choose to offer promotional golf gifts as freebies with the purchase of larger more expensive items in your store then you are attracting attention to possible difficult to sell items by rewarding would be customers with something free and you are helping to promote your brand. A lot of how effective this type of promotion is will be down to what kind of free golf gift you offer as part of the deal.

Gaging How Much to Give Away

A low value item may be good news for you as you won't lose much revenue giving things away but you may find you get less interest and if it's too high a value item you may find the benefits of a minimal increase in sales does not cover the cost of the freebies you've given away. So planning the correct strategy is vital for success in giving freebies away to try to promote sales.

Product Endorsement

If you want to raise the exposure of your business within your market sector both locally to a store or nationally you may consider testing, reviewing and endorsing related product lines to what you sell and even offering your product opinions to product manufacturers as testimonials. This not only gets your business name circulation as they may show your testimonial on their website or advertising campaigns but you may be able to agree joint marketing strategies with manufacturers which help promote you both.

An example of this is they want you to showcase a large display of their products in your store and as an incentive to you may offer you a discounted trade price for stock so you benefits from the additional sales produced. This may be something you are able to employ in different areas of your product lines across your store or you may not have floor space.

Of course if space is limited there may be different avenues you may wish to consider such as window displays or posters in the windows of your store. If you get involved with the testing of products from the manufacturer regularly they may even feature your logo branding in their advertising campaigns, spreading your brand further.

Event Sponsorship

For further industry focussed exposure and if the budget is available you may wish to sponsor a local golfing event and have a presence at the event with a stand advertising your golfing business offering promotional golf gifts. This type of business promotion can be a good way of getting exposure for your business if you can sell products at the event and are able to make back the sponsorship investment in sales and increased revenue from sales through your high street store or indeed website.

This kind of marketing is typically used by larger retail organisations who have several large stores and for whom the investment in the way of event sponsorship is more affordable, so it's not a strategy which is ideally suited to small business owners.

Gain extra exposure and sales for your business by offering promotional golf gifts as part of in store deals and prize draw competitions. ProLiner Golf offer golf gifts for men, women and children.

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